The train ride was quite an experience. Our only option was 3rd Class. I must say that one of the only good things about it was that it only cost $750 Baht for all 3 of us (about $8). We sat on broken benches and there were no AC or suitable restrooms. We quickly encountered the dinning car that was decorated like a disco. Flashing Christmas lights strung all around the car added to the ambiance of the dancing music and festivities.
Guards dressed in full military gear hung out at the back table of the disco car drinking buckets of whiskey and coke. Each stop they jumped out onto the tracks, adjusted their military cap and saluted passengers as they boarded. As the wheels began rolling, the guards resumed their positions in the disco car sipping whiskey from bucket through a straw.

Passengers from all across different walks of life were present. Music bumped through the open windows as we passed small farming towns in the middle of the night. I remember a full moon. At one point, Johnny told the DJ that is was my birthday so "Happy Birthday" played over the speakers as everyone sang to me. That really got the party started!

We stumbled back to our broken bench in 3rd class. At one point Johnny asked the Thai girl sitting next to him if she would like to lean against him to sleep. She declined so he shrugged his shoulders, gave her a quick glance, and laid his head on hers. He passed out immediately. The poor girl stayed there for hours with Johnny snoring on her shoulder.
Alex ended up laying out his sleeping mat under our benches on the floor to stretch out. Venders boarded at each stop throughout the night selling coffee, sweets, chicken wrapped in banana leaves, etc. Each time we drifted off into sleep we were abruptly awoken with someone stepping over us trying to sell us something.
16 hours later and we arrived in Trang at 10:30 am. We grabbed a bite to eat, found a decent restroom (much needed) and took a van and ferry to the island Koh Lanta.
We stayed at "Somewhere Else" Bungalow right on the beach for $800 baht/night. It is much more expensive than we expected but it's very comfortable. There are seating areas with triangle floor pillows that we like to relax at in the evenings as the sun sets. The water is a breathtaking blue. Yesterday we walked all along Long Beach and collected beautiful colored seashells. We hope to rent a motor bike today to explore the rest of the island.
Alex and I are so excited to be here! He is really amazing and I am so lucky to experience paradise with him.
A disco train car? awesome! It sounds like you guys are having a blast! Can't wait to read more!
I'm so glad you guys are enjoying yourselves over there. Can't wait to see pics!! The beach sounds GORGEOUS.. Sanna
Hey Guys,
The train ride sounds like a real treat - a once in a lifetime experience. Lena says you are ready for the villages in Ukraine now (plenty of open/fresh air restrooms/trees and slow moving buses and trains). Bet you saw a lot of interesting things on the ride, and the ferry, and of course exploring the island on the scooter... We know you two are having a wonderful fun time and we'll watch for updates. Love from Dad, Olena, and Jordan.
Dear Loranda and Alex,
Welcome to Paradise! Relax and enjoy your stay. You are both so blessed to have each other and to experience this amazing journey together.
We Love You Two,
Mom & Doug
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