We took an overnight sleeper train from Hanoi to Sapa. (Much more comfortable than our first train ride!) We trekked through the rice fields in the heart of the villages for 2 days. The first night we slept at a home-stay with a young family. We had 7 people in our group and we were presented with a feast for dinner. As far as home-stays go, the accommodations were very comfortable. We actually had a pad to sleep on, a thick blanket and pillow and a warm shower! Our guides Lang and Pan poured the rice wine freely over a game of cards. We slept well that night!
We awoke to a scene out of a picture book. The sun rose over the fields and we set off again on a fun filled day. We stopped in a each village to rest and chat with the girls. They all wear traditional hill tribe attire, with colors that represent their particular tribe. The guides are young girls, between 15-19 years old and they became close friends as the days went on.
The second and third night we slept in Sapa town at a hotel. Ben was our guide the third morning and took us to Cat Cat village where they were having a cultural festival. We were able to see how silver jewelry was made, basket weaving, farming, etc.
Later that day, Ben invited us to come with her and her friend CC to Ban Ho village. We rented a motorbike and cruised around sharp curves and high cliffs. We went to a waterfall and hot springs. Just the day before, there was an American tourist who was only 25 years old who drowned in that waterfall. When we arrived, the entire village was out to help rescue him. His body was found 3 days later. It was heart wrenching to been so close to such a tragedy. The village pulled together and used whatever resources were available however there were no true emergency personnel present. We are relieved that his body was found so it could be returned to his family. It just makes you appreciate just how fragile life is...
Ben is a beautiful girl who speaks extremely good English. She has only been speaking for 2 years and never went to school to learn.

As we walk along, the girls ask us our name, age, number of brothers and sisters we have and how long we have been together. As you can imagine, this opens up the conversation and we became very close with them after hearing about their family life.

We definitely want to return to Sapa. The girls made it such a wonderful experience that we will not forget. The countryside is picturesque and the people are so friendly.

Loranda and Alex,
I had no idea you were keeping me posted by my old email. I never check it and only now discovered that I could see how you were. I think of you often and was worried how it was going. All I can say is AMAZING! I envy both of you and know I could never "brave it" like you guys are. What a life changing experience for you both. I am glad to hear you are both safe and having so much fun. Loranda I am finally planning my TX trip and promise to make it after you are back home. I can't wait to see my SISTER! Hugs and kisses from MD. I love you!
I love all your stories! It's the next best thing to being there. Hopefully we'll get to visit that part of the world one day, though I know we'll never have an adventure like you 2 are having!
Hi Alex and Loranda
What is the title of your book?
Obviously you both love Vietnam and the people!
Travelling does make you look at life a little differently.
Enjoy every single minute!!
Lots of luv Mumxxx
I want to come! It sounds amazing. In Virginia, things are not nearly as exciting. Chad is on the ship and I'm at home...just hanging out. I can't wait to see your pictures. I saw a "bizarre foods" vietnam a few days ago. It showed how fish sauce was made. I could have lived without knowing that process :) Have fun! Can't wait to see you guys!
Dear Loranda and Alex
Oh, to be in a magical place with someone you love! Count your lucky stars as you walk along the beach tonight. Infinity...............
I love you two,
That's a great account.
One thing: don't get spoiled by all those hot showers. I don't want you getting all soft on me.
Keep making good stories,
buckets of love,
p.s. Hello, Kristy. Hello, Misty.
And a big bear hug from "Stupid" for the lady signing as "Mumxxx."
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